Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

This is Max. We broke into small teams to work on the research project and the robotic project.

Max, David and Cheyne worked on the robot. We decided which mission to start with which was creating the levees and collecting the ice buoy. Cheyne built an arm to create the levees. David helped a little while, but then moved to the research team to work with them. Meanwhile, I used our new Mission Planning form to start writing out the order of the missions.

Cheyne and Max working on our robot.

Max, David and Cheyne working on our robot at the competition table.

Alex, Nic and David were in Mrs. Jaworski's office working on the research project. They were looking at the Leon River to find maps and research projects which might be of use to our team. Nic also made some phone calls to try to set up a field trip. Alex sent an email to the Blackland Research Center requesting a field trip and Coach Jaworski called and left messages at two facilities.

Alex, David and Nic doing research about the Leon River.

Nic trying to set up a field trip for our team.

Alex sending an email to Blackland Research.

The younger brothers also worked on their projects. See pictures below.

Oliver, Justice and Ezra

Oliver and Simon

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